As i am using Quantum premium theme in my website : https://yakee1.de
e just upgrade contao version 3.5 to 4.8.1 latest and some extension are not support in 4.8.1 version( like revoulation slider) and contao community support told us that we will contact with you for that.
Please check below extension are not working .
Extension List :
1.) Revoluation Slider
2.) efg
3.) emoji
4.) fblikeit
5.) guestbook_modern
6.) InputVar
7.) kit_honeypot
8.) Namespace class loader
9.) newsMetaTitle
10.) contao-xls-export
Please provide us your suggestion for this. we are waiting for your response.
As i am using Quantum premium theme in my website : https://yakee1.de
e just upgrade contao version 3.5 to 4.8.1 latest and some extension are not support in 4.8.1 version( like revoulation slider) and contao community support told us that we will contact with you for that.
Please check below extension are not working .
Extension List :
1.) Revoluation Slider
2.) efg
3.) emoji
4.) fblikeit
5.) guestbook_modern
6.) InputVar
7.) kit_honeypot
8.) Namespace class loader
9.) newsMetaTitle
10.) contao-xls-export
Please provide us your suggestion for this. we are waiting for your response.