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Lost ability to edit child tl_content

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  • Lost ability to edit child tl_content

    I have tried to update from
    from Custom Element 1.6.5 and Custom Catalog
    to Custom Element 1.7.1 and Custom Catalog 1.5
    but it has caused a problem.

    I have a parent table called cc_product and child tabel of tl_content. After the update when I go to edit a product I can no longer access the tl_content. If I look on the front end the tl_content elements are still there.

    When I try and create a test with a parent of cc_test and child of tl_content it works as expected.

    Is there a way of "reconnecting" the connection? I have tried to make changes to force a database change and flush cache.

  • #2
    Strange. It's probably just a caching thing. If you are not on 1.5.2 or higher. Just update to the current one.

    Check that the tl_content CC configuration stll has your cc_product as parent table selected. And vise versa the cc_product config your tl_content as child table.

    You should be good to go.
    Zuletzt geändert von Tim; 11.03.2016, 08:19.


    • #3
      I have just updated to CC 1.5.3 and flushed cache (and have "Bypass cache" enabled) -
      Both tables still look like the have connections to each other. I have also tried to remove connections and add them again.


      • #4
        Looks good to me and same settings works fine for me.
        (I would recommend using table names like cc_MYTABLE)


        • #5
          It works for me as well if I create a new parent/child setup but it doesnt work for my existing one. Is there a config file or a field in the database I can look at to see if the connection has something missing?

          Is it a requirement that tables are named cc_*? Because it has worked so far. I don't imagine the database name has an effect on this but is there a way I can rename the table?


          • #6
            No, there is no requirement. Just for the better overview.
            There certainly are files to check and you can delete them just for testing. With regard at your structure there should be these folders in your system/modules folder:


            Contao requires a dca file with the tablename.php to recognize it for database updates. Even the file is basically empty.
            Check that you do not have duplicate files or so. You can delete those dummy folders. CC will recreate them on page load.


            • #7
              That didn't change anything

              I went to check the database and my Test and Product tables look the same as far as I can tell. Is there another flag than ptable and ctables that indicates that I should be able to edit children in the backend?

              Klicke auf die Grafik für eine vergrößerte Ansicht

Name: Screen shot 2016-03-11 at 1.21.52 PM.png
Ansichten: 51
Größe: 41,7 KB
ID: 2499

              (Product is not working Test is working)

              Is there another "seriously empty cache" function I can try?


              • #8
                Actually you only need one configuration for tl_content not two or more.

                In which way is it not working? Is there an actual php error or is the edit button missing? May be you can send me a backend login so I can take a closer look.


                • #9
                  I only have one relation - my screenshot was to two relations because the "test" -> "test content" relation is working as expected. The "Produkt" -> "Produkt indholdselement" is not and that is what confuses me. I see no php errors just the missing button for editing child tl_content elements. I have emailed you credentials so you can log in and see.


                  • #10
                    In the upcoming CC version will be a new implementation where tl_content can be used as a configuration with the ability to exclude content elements or the quick was just as child table without a configuration. The issue when using multiple tl_content relations will be fixed.

